Accepted Papers

The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine is dedicated to providing readers with immediate access to new scientific developments in dental sleep medicine. Please note that these manuscripts are posted as received - without editing or formatting by the publisher. The layout and appearance of each article may change when published in the Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine. All papers appearing in the Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine are copyright of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. No paper in whole or in part may be used in any form without written permission from the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.

Embargo Policy

If an institution or funding organization plans to produce a press release about research published in the Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine, the institutional press officer should contact the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine before the release is distributed. Studies accepted for publication in the Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine are embargoed until midnight on the publication date for the issue in which the study appears. The Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine is published quarterly on the 10th of the month of issue. Issue dates for 2014 are April 10, July 10, October 10. Starting in 2015 the issue months are January, April, July, and October. All institutions must abide by this embargo policy. Contact the public relations office at or (630) 686-9875 with questions.